Not many of you will know, but Paws Naturally has an off-site storage facility. You may think the shop is a bit like Dr Who’s Tardis (small on the outside – but deceptively larger inside), but you would be amazed to see the storage space and stock we keep off-site, that ensures the freezers in the shop have an uninterrupted supply of food for your dogs and cats. The large walk in freezer at this site has a capacity to store thousands of products and you will be glad to know that, even in this time of national emergency, as of today, we are running at approximately 90% capacity. With more large deliveries already scheduled to be received over the coming days and weeks, you will understand why we can stand in the shop and confidently predict to you that we can continue to offer you a great service and your dogs and cats fed, no matter what problems are thrown at us. In fact, after visiting my local Morrisons yesterday, I wonder if we might currently have more stocks than they do.