100gm bags (if you order 300gm you will recieve 3 x 100gm bags.)
The Proven Method For Having A Naturally Healthy Pet Without Harmful Steroid Injections or Prescription Drugs
Natural Pet Vitality has been specially formulated to help your animal with …
Improved immunity & overall health & well-being… Improved digestion… Increase in speed of healing… Improved behaviour… Increased energy in older animals, Improved joint & bone health… Shiny glossy fur, feathers or scales… Eye Health… Increased muscle definition… Decreased parasite infestations including: Fleas, Ticks & Worms… Replenishment of vital minerals in the body’s cells… A sense of well-being… Reduced joint pain… Improved circulation of the arteries… Noticeable growth and appearance of hair, nails and skin.
A Few Years Ago It Was A Different Story
Helping animals with supplements is relatively new compared to how long domesticated Cats and Dogs have been interacting with humans, around 9,500 years for Cats and approximately 15,000 years for Dogs (although some would say longer). Before these kind of supplements were known to benefit ailments and general health we had no choice other than to take our furry little friends straight to the vet.
But things have changed, people are becoming more aware to these kind of natural treatments…
Before the modern day vet was on the scene animals would seek out there own alternate therapies, even today they still chew grass if they have an upset stomach or if they are having trouble digesting something they have eaten.
If Fulvic Acid Minerals Are So Great, Why Aren’t The Vets Administering Them?
Although vets seem to show us they care, the sad truth of the matter is at the end of the day vet surgeries are businesses like any other and have to be run like businesses or they will be out of pocket, so to keep afloat they have to sell medication that go along side their services & diagnosis.
Selling the big pharmaceutical companies chemical drugs and medication is BIG business for them!
Lets say for a moment you were able find a vet that supplies supplement products, there is a good chance they will tell you that 80-90% of animal (and human) supplements won’t work (of course, we know from our customers results they do work) and encourage you to buy the chemical ones instead, as their commissions on these are huge.
Not to mention the well-known pet food brands. Remember when you were in the waiting room, did you notice how many kibble type pet foods, self treatments and toys are there for sale?
They have us going round and round, chasing our tail if you like, having to buy more and more pet medication to deal with the side effects from the previous treatment, just read some of our customer experiences with this.
Many people have noticed recently the cost of vet services for our pets is just getting higher and higher, especially over the past few years, and it is no coincidence that many insurance companies are now offering animal related insurance.
In some cases bills are getting so high that it can leave animal owners with no choice but to destroy them. These situations can be prevented if Fulvic Acid can be reintroduced into your animal’s food chain. We say reintroduced because this isn’t something that’s entirely new, it has simply been forgotten because of the pet food industry hammering home how healthy and good their food is supposed to be, yet leaving animals needing possible medical attention a few years down the line, explaining this away ‘as being normal’. (normal if we keep giving our pets these kind of medications).
Disease costs pet owners thousands of pounds each year but we help animals to heal naturally and to look at preventing further disease and issues in the long run, saving pet owners costly trips to the vet.
Can You Really Save Hard Earned Money By Using Natural Pet Vitality?
The simple answer, Yes. Fulvic can help your pet to stay healthy, whether its a dog, cat, rodent, bird, fish, horse, pony, rabbit or reptile etc… it will also help your wallet stay healthy too.
One of the many reported benefits of supplementing your pet with Fulvic is down to it’s ability to lessen the amount your animal needs to eat, this means that usual amounts at breakfast, lunch and dinner are digested more efficiently, helping you save money in at least three different ways:
As your pet eats its body will absorb more of the nutrients present in the food. When more nutrients are absorbed, it’s less likely to over-eat and less of its food will ‘pass straight through’ so it will consume less thereby saving you money on food.
Due to its health promoting attributes, users of Fulvic have reported less visits to the Vet resulting in saved money on vet bills.
Save money on other supplements. Because Fulvic Acid supplements are extremely versatile and ‘multipurpose’, no other supplement should need to be purchased while using Fulvic.
It’s All About Helping Our Pets Live A Healthier Life…
And living healthier leads to living longer, doesn’t it? If our pets are healthy and happy we will be healthier and happier because we get a lot more love and joy from them. Dogs can be expected to live 5-10 years longer than ‘normal’ with a low toxicity balanced lifestyle.
River was fearful before Natural Pet Vitality
We never like to see this sort of thing, but as you’ve read from Gary’s experience with his dog, River, digestive imbalances can make an animal fearful, nervous and quite often aggressive. In a recent study over 70% of aggressive dogs were found to have pancreases, liver and thyroid problems.
There are still a lot of pet owners out there that are unaware of how modern pet foods, prescribed medication and vaccinations of today can dramatically contribute to the poor health and behaviour of their animals. With this lethal combination of chemicals we are consistently feeding our pets with it should be no surprise many of them are dying at such young ages with organ failure or serious diseases such as epilepsy or cancer.
TOXIC pet food
If throughout an animals lifetime it’s fed meat from a can or commercially processed biscuits the chances of contracting disease and behavioural problems increase ten fold.
The majority of these types of pet foods contain a large amount of ingredients that are low in nutritional value and high in toxicity and when given to your animal long-term can result in serious deterioration of health & well-being.
Natural Pet Vitality has a great detoxing effect, calming behaviour and also reducing inflammation and joint pain, so is great for Arthritic and older pets.
Natural Pet Vitality has taken many years of research and has been perfected to the highest standards resulting in naturally healthy pets. You can be rest assured, you will see a new lease of life in your pet, he or she will be free to embrace the fresh and healthy lifestyle that will improve their quality of life for good.
Dosage For Dogs & Cats: Can be added to pets regular food or for BEST results, mix the required amount with a few drops of bottled water and then add one beaten raw egg and serve 5 mins before feeding your pet’s meal.
What ingredients are in Natural Pet Vitality?
The Formula Contains: Fulvic acid; digestive enzymes; probiotics; trace mineral electrolytes; brewers yeast; bakers yeast; Ash: 85.7%; Moisture: 7.4%; Fibre: 4.2%; Protein: 0.5%; Oil 0.4%.
Ingredients: Silicon Dioxide, kaolin, fulvic acid, dried yeast, (dried bakers yeast, dried brewers yeast), enzyme mix (fungal protease, acid protease, gluco amylase, lipase, cellulase, lactase, maltase, invertase), probiotic mix: (B.bifidium, Binfantis, Blongum, Efaecium, Lcasei, Lbulgaricus, L.plantarum, L.rhamnosus, Sthermophilus)
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